Great Lakes Council’s Deb Tuckerman 2015 NSW Local Government Professional

Deb Tuckerman

Great Council receives its fair share of critisim at times, however the Local Council continues to shine above many of its LGA peers. Testament not only from the recent ‘Stand Alone’ announcements, where Great Lakes Council was named not to merge with other Councils, but also by way of yet another award won by staff. Procurement… click for more

Hunter Region Rivers peak resulting in more water over roads and into homes

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The current rain and weather system has left many towns, area, home and people stranded throughout the Hunter, Mid North Coast and Newcastle regions. Emergency personel have received well over 1500 calls for assistance over the last 36 hour period. Trains have resumed between Hamilton and Fassifern on the Central Coast & Newcastle Line after… click for more

Bad weather hits the Mid North Coast of NSW and Great Lakes is in the middle

Flood warning

The Myall Coast and Great Lakes region is experiencing some ferocious weather with flash flooding and strong winds. CURRENT RIVER HEIGHTS Lower Manning River: Manning R at Killawarra 5.30pm Tue 1.91m and steady Dingo Ck at Ashlea Br D/S 6.00pm Tue 2.66m and steady Manning R at Wingham** 5.15pm Tue 1.15m and steady Manning R… click for more

MidCoast Water interim acting general manager, Darryl Hancock

Darryl Hancock

MidCoast Water has appointed an interim acting general manager to lead the organisation while the recruitment of a permanent general manager is underway. At yesterday’s monthly meeting, the MidCoast board appointed Executive Manager Corporate Services, Darryl Hancock, to the role of acting general manager. Mr Hancock will fulfil the role until the permanent appointment commences duties…. click for more

Great Lakes Council does not need to merge

Cr Jim Morwitch, Mayor Jan McWilliams, Deputy Mayor Len Roberts and General Manager Glenn Handford

An announcement from the NSW Government has stated Great Lakes Council will be allowed to continue to stand-alone in order to best deliver local government services to the Great Lakes region into the future. “The NSW Government has recognised the hard work and sound management undertaken at Great Lakes Council over the last decade in… click for more

Ellie Gooch, won Technology Award for her roll-top desk

Councillor Allan Tickle- Greater Taree City Council, Dr. David Gillespie- MP for Lyne Taree, Ellie Gooch, Greg Dixon- Manning River Steel Councillor Allan Tickle- Greater Taree City Council Dr

Manning Regional Art Gallery had the privilege this year of displaying the Manning Great Lakes High Schools Technology Display. The display was open to the public from Wednesday 25 November – Saturday 28 November and some of the participating high schools were Bulahdelah Central School, Taree High, Chatham High, Gloucester High, Great Lakes College and a… click for more

Tea Gardens Maritime Tony Woodfield says safe boating

Tony Woodfield and Cohen Callaghan-Morante.

The Myall Lakes and Port Stephens water ways will be busier than ever this Christmas Holiday period with some excellent forecasts being boasted for boating enthusiasts. Despite several warnings during the year in less than favourable weather conditions, some people have chosen to ignore the warnings and have still headed out into the blue wonder… click for more

Terry Inkson Great Lakes Council wins weed management award

Terry Inkson and John Tracey

Great Lakes Council has scooped its second weed management award in as many months, this time for weed control in the Ramsar listed wetland of Myall Lakes. The award, for the ongoing project “Cabomba Control for the Protection of the Ramsar Listed Myall Lakes” was presented to Council’s Noxious and Environmental Weeds Coordinator, Mr Terry Inkson,… click for more