Drainage issues on the agenda for Pindimar Bundabah residents

Pindimar Bundabah drainage issues

Overall maintenance and public works requests for the Pindimar area to Great Lakes Council (GLC) appear to have fallen on deaf ears despite several calls, according to members from the Pindimar – Bundabah Community Association Inc (PBCA) Works Committee. Some requests for even the simplest of tasks appear to have been given a low priority according… click for more

Bundabah land owner repeatedly fined for illegal tree clearling

The trees filled a length of about 100m of the creek

Fines recently issued by Great Lakes Council in regards to illegal clearing of trees resulting in polluting and blocking Nanabah Creek by a property developer at Bundabah, have reportedly been met with remorse by the owner, Tea Gardens Farms, who complied with Councils direction to stop works immediately once the infringement had been noticed. Tree’s… click for more