Terry Inkson Great Lakes Council wins weed management award

Terry Inkson and John Tracey

Great Lakes Council has scooped its second weed management award in as many months, this time for weed control in the Ramsar listed wetland of Myall Lakes. The award, for the ongoing project “Cabomba Control for the Protection of the Ramsar Listed Myall Lakes” was presented to Council’s Noxious and Environmental Weeds Coordinator, Mr Terry Inkson,… click for more

Road resealing is a preventative action


Over the dates of 16-19 November Great Lakes Council contractors were busy resealing various suburban streets within the Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest areas. It would appear to be standard Council works, nothing unusual to the normal but for many residents that contacted Myall Coast News, it would appear a lot of residents would have preferred… click for more

Bulahdelah cricket nets taken down: Outraged community

Bulahdelah Cricket nets

Myall Coast News was notified by members of the Bulahdelah community that on Friday 23 October the cricket nets at the Jack Ireland Sports Complex were pulled down by Council. This came as a shock to the parents of cricket players and the coaches of the Bulahdelah Milo Cricket Team who use these nets regularly for… click for more

Great Lakes Council named Fit For The Future

Glenn Handford, Jan McWilliams and Len Roberts

Great Lakes Council is delighted that the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s final report into the financial sustainability of NSW councils has found that it is “fit for the future”. “We are particularly pleased to see that Great Lakes satisfied all five criteria to be considered ‘fit for the future’, in fact we are the only… click for more

Proposal to change Federal electoral boundaries


The Australian Electoral Commission has released a draft report publishing a proposal to federal electoral boundaries in NSW. This is due to a decrease in the NSW entitlement from 48 to 47 seats in the House of Representatives. The Chair of the Redistribution Committee and Electoral Commissioner, Mr Tom Rogers said the current and projected enrolment… click for more