Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead is fighting for water security funding for Myall Lakes.
“I have written and spoken directly to Minister Kevin Humphries, Minister for Natural Resources, Land and Water over the last few months about water security funding for Myall Lakes,” Mr Bromhead said.
“I hand delivered a submission from Mid Coast Water to the Minister where they asked the NSW Government for $9.6 million in funding for the Minimbah Bore Field to supplement the water capacity in the Manning / Great Lakes.
“Minister Humphries has advised that Mid Coast Water has been short listed, however there has been an overwhelming response from Councils requesting $143 million and there is only $80 million of funding available.”
“I impressed upon the Minister that it is essential for the Electorate of Myall Lakes to have water security for the Manning / Great Lakes areas.”
The Nabiac Water Supply System is required as an alternative water source to the Manning River to ensure security of supply for the Manning Water Supply Scheme, to adapt the management of our water resources to mitigate the impacts of climate variability, and to maintain customer service levels for an increasing population while meeting environmental flow requirements.
Currently the Manning Water Supply Scheme which serves 90% of MidCoast Water’s customers and a permanent equivalent population (EP) of almost 90,000, with this increasing to over 120,000 EP during the summer tourist period.
These figures are expected to increase to 136,000 and 187,000, respectively, over the next 30 years.
The Nabiac Water Supply System has been considered as an alternative water source to the Manning River for over 30 years.
The benefits of the Nabiac system include MCW ensuring security of supply for the Manning Water Supply Scheme, meaning a decreased need to implement water restrictions in the future.
The regional impact of avoided loss of revenue incurred by commercial customers during periods of water restrictions.
MEETING: Stephen Bromhead with Kevin Humphries, Minister for Natural Resourses.
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