State Budget forward estimates for Water and Sewerage funding

Information included in the 2015 NSW State Budget forward estimates announcements has confirmed the Country Towns Water and Sewerage Program is to be funded in the coming years.

This information supports a pre-election commitment to MidCoast Water by the Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead of $19.1 million towards local water and sewer projects.

MidCoast Water will now be working with the NSW Office of Water and Infrastructure NSW to develop business cases for all  future projects.

Acting general manager Brendan Guiney indicated the water and sewer authority would also be working with the government to clarify to which projects the $19 million will be allocated.

“It has always been clear to us that the pre-election funding commitment – which has now been confirmed by the Government – was tied to the ‘poles and wires’ sale,” Mr Guiney said.

The funds from the ‘poles and wires’ sale have not been included in the current budget, but will be allocated in future budget years.

In the meantime MidCoast Water will be working to ensure all projects are ‘shovel ready’ when the funds become available.

“We will be working to ensure all the concept studies and where appropriate detailed designs have been undertaken to ensure we are ready to proceed once the ‘poles and wires’ funds are released.”

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