Robert Fish, Great Lakes Council, responses to Marine Dr Tea Gardens

Dear MCNOTA, GREAT Lakes Council is currently undertaking work to reconstruct Marine Drive between Ogden Street and Maxwell Street, Tea Gardens.

Council provided plans in 2013 to Essential Energy for the road reconstruction project on Marine Drive to the east of Ogden Street.

This was to provide adequate time for Essential Energy to consider the feasibility of underground power along this length of Marine Drive and to make plans for this should they have wished to proceed.

Great Lakes Council informed Essential Energy in August that works were commencing and asked whether plans had been developed for the future underground power.

Essential Energy have since advised Council that no works will be undertaken to place provisions for underground power within the current stage of the works.

Council staff will make every effort to continue to keep Essential Energy informed of our upcoming projects.

This will include the section of Marine Drive to the east of Maxwell Street where works are planned to commence in 2015.

Council looks forward to improving communications with Essential Energy and working together to improve outcomes for Great Lakes residents.

Robert Fish,
Acting Director of Engineering Services
Great Lakes Council

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