Great Lakes Council merger surprise

Great Lakes Council is surprised that a late submission by Gloucester Council which recommends the merging of Greater Taree City Council, Great Lakes Council and Gloucester Council will now be considered by the NSW Government.

“We note that Gloucester Council’s submission expresses a first preference to stand alone, but, if that option is not accepted, then recommends the merger of the three councils rather than the proposed Dungog – Gloucester merger that the NSW Government had proposed in December 2015,” said Great Lakes Council’s General Manager, Mr Glenn Handford.

The Minister for Local Government has referred the submission to the Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government for examination and report.

The Chief Executive has delegated the function of examining and reporting on the proposal to Ian Tiley who will examine and report on the proposal in accordance with the Local Government Act.

The submission can be viewed at the following link:

The public can make written submissions commenting on the proposed three-way merger until 5pm on Friday 15 April, either online or in writing and posted to Council Boundary Review, GPO Box 5341, Sydney NSW 2001.

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“Council is preparing a submission on the feasibility of this merger proposal,” said Mr Handford.

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