KARUAH RSL Women’s Bowling Club (KWBC) recent wins has seen them bring home Pennant Flag’s, but were unable to unfurl them until Wednesday 22 July when the ladies held their Karuah RSL Club Women’s Bowling Club 2015 Unfurling Of Our Pennant Flags at the Karuah & District RSL Club.
The Women’s Bowling Club was formed in 1980, however a Pennant team was never entered into the District competition until 1988, then again in 1989 and 1990.
There wasn’t another entry until 2001 when the Club had an influx of new members.
Karuah women’s Grade 4 have won their sections on four prior occasions only to fall in the Finals, so it was a wonderful feeling for them to bring home the flag this year, especially along side the success of Grade 5 who won the Clubs first ever Pennant Flag.
The day begun with a warm Welcome by President Robyn Latimore, before assembling on the green when N.D.W.B.A President Helen Abbott and long time member Betty Crumblin were invited to unfurl the Grade 4 Flag.
Shortly after long time member Barbara Johnson was invited to join N.D.W.B.A President Helen Abbott for the unfurling of the Grade 5 Flag before being led of the green to the music of piper.
Grace was delivered by Secretary Lyn Cale ahead of a long lunch and there were many Toast’s during the day from Master of Ceremonies Cheryl Stott to President Robyn and the KWBC Members, to the N.D.W.B.A Excutive by Robyn Latimore, Toast to Grade 4 Runners Up, New Lambton by Lyn Cale and a toast to Grade 5 Runners Up, Soldiers Point by Helen Priest.
KWBC President Robyn Latimore told Myall Coast News, “As President I feel it has been a wonderful year for our Club, it was lovely to bring home two Flags this year which will put both teams up another division next year, which maybe a little more difficult as a smaller Club, but were definitely up for the challenge.”
Other Toast’s made later in the day were made to K.W.B.C and Umpire Trevor Barclay by Vice President Angela Healey, to Karuah R.S.L Club and Greens keeper Leon Post by Treasurer Kim Post, Toasts to KWBC sponsor Hunter Quarries from Marg Nolan, and the last toast being to all members past and present from Karuah R.S.L Secretery Manager Ross Parr.
“Its been a very lovely and exciting day, it didn’t really feel like we had won it until we were officially aloud to fly it today, now it actually feels like we have won it, we will fly our flags proudly, and enjoy the rest of our day.” Robyn Latimore also added.
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