Tea Gardens Bowling has a high participation for this time of year

Tea Gardens Bowling is popular this time of year with another good field of 46 bowlers turned out on December 10th to contest the usual Wednesday bowls competition.

Tea Gardens Bowls

Mixed Fours Competition Team Winners, Dennis Ashbridge, Olive McKeown, Robyn Webster and Ron Webster.

To accommodate the field, there was a mixture of 3-bowl triples and 3-bowl pairs played over one game of 18 ends.

The winners, on a great score of +14 were; Ross Barry, Brian Emmett and Ron Green.

Runners–up was the pairs team of; John Yabsley and Dave Rimmer.

Not to be outdone, in a lucky draw for third, were; Dennis Wilberforce, Steve Hicks and Tom Short.

Following the completion of the mornings play the deferred final of the Club Mixed Fours Competition was played between the team of; John Slater, Lily Smith, George Winter and Dale Winter, taking on; Robyn Webster, Olive McKeown, Dennis Ashbridge and Ron Webster (Dennis was substituting for John Bilby).

The match was to prove to be a marathon, lasting 4- 1/2 hours.

At the 12th end the match was evenly balanced with the Ron Webster combination leading by 4 shots at 11-7.

It all fell apart for the Dale Winter side on the 13th end when, although having a multiple count in the head, a speculative on-shot netted Ron Webster 4 shots.

Mixed Fours runners-up, George Winter, Dale Winter, John Slater and Lily Smith.

Mixed Fours runners-up, George Winter, Dale
Winter, John Slater and Lily Smith.

This was closely followed by another 4 shots dropped on the 14th end and the match was all but over.

To their credit Dale Winter’s team won the next three ends, but could not bridge the gap.

Congratulations to the winners with the final score being 24-12.

Weather conditions on December 12th caused the Friday Jackpot Pairs competition to be cancelled.

With a tantalising Jackpot now up for grabs, it is hoped that play will be possible on Friday, 19 December with a good field competing.

I wish all my readers a happy and safe Christmas and good bowling in 2015. Men’s bowls will resume on Wednesday 7 January 2015.

Special thanks to Ann Scully and her team at the Myall Coast News for the great coverage of our sport during the year.


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