Karl Price from Bulahdelah, sponsored by Myall Coast Rotary

Bulahdelah Central School Year 11 student, Karl Price, was recently sponsored by the Rotary Club of Myall Coast to attend the 2015 National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) held over two weeks in January.

Debbie Gilbert Deputy Principal, Bulahdelah High with Karl Price and Hannah Reitfield

Debbie Gilbert Deputy Principal, Bulahdelah High with Karl Price and Hannah Reitfield

During a visit to the Rotary Club’s weekly meeting, Karl expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to attend the Forum and described what was an incredible experience.

It was an experience that opened his eyes to all the various university options in the science and maths fields.

Commencing in 1984, the NYSF is an Australian program dedicated to exposing year eleven students who are thinking about a career in science or engineering, to major scientific institutions and researchers.

The program will enable the participants to be able to make more informed choices for their future career endeavours.

They are also given training in time management, interview skills and public speaking.

The Forum is fully residential and takes place at the Canberra University.

All activities are fully supervised by student staff and resident Rotary counsellors.

The program is extremely intensive with little time for outside activities except for meeting and getting to know those people already in the program.

The most important aspect coming from the NYSF is a network of friends, colleagues and support groups throughout Australia which will be of value to participants for the whole of their lives.

Fellow Bulahdelah student, Hannah Reitfield, has been inspired by Karl’s experience and is looking forward to being the Rotary Club’s candidate to the NYSF for 2016.

Anyone interested in any of the many Rotary Youth Programs is very welcome to contact your local Rotary Club for more information.

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