The Hawks Nest / Tea Gardens Progress Association recently conducted its Annual General Meeting and Trevor Jennings has retained his positions of President and Secretary.
Mark McCormick and Leigh Allen retained their positions of Vice President and Treasurer respectively.
Roger Humphries retained his Executive Committee member status.
Trevor Jennings told Myall Coast News, “The Association is also very pleased to welcome Trevor Cook as its new Executive Committee member.”
“I wish to congratulate all appointees,” he said.
Mr Jennings said, “Two stalwarts of the Progress Association’s Committee, Kevin Green and Kevin Haskew, didn’t nominate for re-election and they have both officially been ‘put out to stud’.”
“Thanks to both Kevins for all their hard work on the Committee over the past few years and we look forward to their continued input as members of the Association,” said Mr Jennings.
On the same evening as the Association’s Annual General Meeting an Ordinary Meeting was conducted addressing current issues and general business.
There was vibrant and lengthy discussion about many local issues however the retention of sand at Jimmys Beach, the proposed use of recycled effluent on Myall Park, and the undergrounding of power lines in Marine Drive were the hot topics of community discussion.
Myall Coast News will keep the community updated on further progress on these issues as updates occur.
Trevor Jennings said that the last Progress Association meeting for the year will be held at 7pm on 8th December at the Old Library in Booner St, Hawks Nest.
Picture: Trevor Jennings, President/Secretary; Mark McCormick (back), Vice President; Roger Humphries (front) committee member; Leigh Allen, Treasurer; and Trevor Cook, committee member. Photo: Kerry Jennings
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