Tea Gardens is set for its Annual Spring Fashion Parade

Ella’s Boutique and Tea Gardens Lionesses have teamed up for this years Tea Gardens Fashion Parade.Fashion Parade Tea Gardens

SPRING is in the air, and it is time to sweep winter aside and join us in celebrating the latest fashions, style and colour for this coming season.

Once again, the Lioness Club in collaboration with Ella’s Boutique, are holding their Annual Spring Fashion Parade, at the Hawks Nest Community Hall on Tuesday the 16th September at 7.00pm for a small donation of $10 entry fee.

Everyone will be greeted with a glass of bubbly on arrival, and   delectable light refreshments, tea and coffee will be served following the parade.

Janice Taylor has generously donated a $200 Gift Voucher, a Black Pepper Jacket and camisole as raffle prizes which will be drawn on the night for some lucky winner to take home.

The Preschool has donated a third prize of a bottle of champagne with a box of chocolates.

All proceeds will go to the local Tea Gardens Preschool to support them in completing the interior of the recent extension that they so desperately need.

Tickets are now available from Ella’s Boutique and both Pharmacies.

Come along, bring a friend or two and make this night a success.

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