Kate Washington, Member for Port Stephens, last week tabled a petition in NSW Parliament calling on the Government to guarantee funding for the Manning Hospital upgrade.
The petition has already gathered more than 5,000 signatures.
Ms Washington said, “There is growing community concern that the Manning Hospital upgrade will continue to be prolonged by the government despite the obvious need for additional services.
“During the 2015 State election, the Baird government promised to fund Stage 1 of the Manning Hospital upgrade, committing $20 million towards the desperately-needed major redevelopment,” she said.
Kate said that despite making the 2015 election promise, only $1.35 million was allocated in the Baird government’s recent budget.
“The community campaign for the Manning Hospital upgrade has broad local support with the upgrade being backed by the local community Health Advisory Board, the Manning Valley Business Chamber, and the Mayors Taree, Gloucester and Forster.”
“I congratulate the community for their continued fight for the services they so desperately need,” Ms Washington told Myall Coast News.
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