Myall Pharmacy recognised for community support

On 21 October Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre President Ngarie White proudly presented Graeme Hackworthy from Myall Pharmacy with the Centre’s first Platinum Sponsor award.Myall Pharmacy

Since the establishment of the Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre in 2010, Myall Pharmacy has generously provided cash and in-kind support every year.
Graeme Hackworthy said, “It takes many hands and hearts to run a not-for-profit service which helps to keep our kids active and healthy.”

“We are very pleased to support the Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre as they are providing a wonderful service for our close-knit community,” he said.

Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre President Ngarie White said, “With Myall Pharmacy’s support, the Centre has been able to continue provide a low-cost and fun sporting opportunity for the kids in our community.”

“In the early days, Myall Pharmacy’s donations were used to get the Centre up and running with the purchase of new uniforms and athletics equipment,” she said.

“They now provide us with a level of funding stability so we can take care of our ongoing running costs and start to make bigger plans for the future.”

“This season’s sponsorship went towards the purchase of a much needed container for the storage of athletics equipment. Without the support of local businesses, we would not be able to offer our local children the opportunity to take part in such sports,” Ms White said.

The Platinum Sponsor award has been created to acknowledge sponsors that support the Centre for five or more consecutive years. Seasonal Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorship awards have also been created to recognise the generosity of sponsors for a particular season.

If you would like to find out what sponsorship opportunities are still available for the 2015/16 season, please contact Kathrine Riley who is the Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre’s Fundraising, Sponsorship and Publicity Coordinator via [email protected]

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